Privacy Policy

Global Food Consumers’ Forum (GFCF) is responsible for handling all personal information. From time to time, as is required, GFCF may hold information for the purposes of software development. All information is held in New Zealand and subject to New Zealand law.


We collect your personal information for the purpose of improving your user experience (including user support) as well as the ongoing purpose ofcreating aggregated statistical data used to improve food systems.

This information is held as according to these strict policies:

  • We operate a strict data minimization policy; that is, we only collect data that is absolutely necessary for our purpose.
  • Any personal information collected is collected directly from the individual concerned, upon their consent (given at time of logging onto any of our web-based services).
  • To be able to contact our Users with general or personalized service-related notices;
  • All personal information is collected in a transparent manner.
    • We collect some personally identifiable information, including, but not limited to:
      • Name
      • Email
      • Messages and replies on our web services
      • Comments
      • Feedback
      • Product reports (including any submitted digital images)
      • And location details.
    • In addition, we may collect session information including:
      • Page response times
      • Length of visit
      • Page interaction information
      • Method of web browsing
    • The intended recipient of this information is GFCF and its associated businesses.
  • All personal information gathered is done by consent only. Consent by the user is given at the time of login for any of our web services, it is continued as the user continues to use GFCFs’ services.
  • All information is held securely by GFCF and the associated companies, behind firewalls, as well as reasonable physical security measures.
  • All information is held, maintained, and used only as required for its nominated purpose.
    • Information will continue to be held so long as the purpose of the collection continues.
    • Information will not be disclosed unless:
      • Required for proper maintenance of the law
      • Is done by consent
      • Is necessary to prevent, or lessen a serious threat to public health and safety. (As according to Principle 11 of the Privacy Act 1993)
      • Is being done so under the same purpose for which it was collected.
      • Is being used in an entirely anonymous way
  • All information collected is presumed to be accurate, unless otherwise requested by the individual to whom it concerns.
  • Any personal information that can be readily retrieved, will be at the request of the individual concerned. The individual may request to maintain or correct that information at any time.
    • Where information cannot be deleted, any requested change will be noted and attached to the original information.


GFCF may, from time to time, use cookies, these cookies may contain personal information such as a username when logging in.

How to withdraw consent or contact for further information.

If you would like to request anything regarding your personal information or about our privacy policy please contact

Updates to this Privacy Policy

GFCF  reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Accordingly please consult this document frequently, any changes take effect from publishing on our website.